Форекс Брокеры

Паттерны расширения в техническом анализе

расширяющийся клин

Одним из таких авторитетных последователей является Peter Brandt, автор бестселлера “Дневник профессионального трейдера на товарной бирже”. Его твиттер насчитывает четверть миллиона подписчиков, а его любимый паттерн — “голова и плечи”, с которого мы и начали эту статью. Надежные флаги появляются во время быстрых и крутых трендов. Идеальные флаги длятся несколько недель и затормаживают ценовое движение.

Паттерн «восходящий расширяющийся клин» бычий или медвежий?

Как и в любой другой торговой стратегии, успех приходит благодаря знаниям, опыту, дисциплине и адаптивности. Освоив все это, трейдеры могут повысить свои шансы на успех при торговле паттерном «восходящий клин» и другими графическими паттернами. Расширяющийся клин можно торговать как ценовой, заходя на отскоках линий поддержки и сопротивления, а можно на пробое трендовых линий.

Паттерны восходящий и нисходящий клин в трейдинге: с чего начать

Это значит, что стоит открыть короткую позицию после прорыва цены ниже нижнего предела клина. Для этого устанавливается целевая прибыль в размере 10% от цены открытия. Если стоимость пробивает границу и продолжает движение вниз, можно закрыть позицию с доходом.

  1. Понимая различия между этими фигурами, трейдеры могут разрабатывать более эффективные стратегии и принимать более обоснованные решения.
  2. Однако, эти новые участники рынка куда менее значимы чем, например, человеки что выдержали все финальные колебания цены у расширяющегося дна.
  3. Работая с этим графиком, мы находим лишь одну точку входа на пробитие треугольника.
  4. Этот паттерн можно наблюдать на таких финансовых рынках, как акции, форекс, сырьевые товары и криптовалюты.

В рынке останутся либо продавцы, либо самые стойкие держатели акций, что готовы ждать и верят в долгосрочные перспективы. В результате, давления со стороны продавцов нет вовсе (ведь продавцы все) и начинается обратный процесс — идут нервные покупки для покрытия шортов. Фигура Клин в техническом анализе — формация, показывающая на потенциальное изменение тренда.

На графике 10-4 выше для индекса доллара тоже есть пара моментов, где цена линии ненадолго пробивает. Однако, паттерн все равно устоял и за ним последовало очень сильное движение цены. Поскольку цена движется рваными волнами, красиво соединить все ценовые колебания у нас не получится.

Паттерн клин в теханализе считается одним из наиболее популярных. Он может указывать как на продолжение тенденции, так и на разворот. Торговля паттерна Клин в трейдинге внутри фигуры может быть более прибыльной, чем традиционная, поскольку позволяет трейдеру войти в сделку раньше и получить больший доход.

Однако, эти новые участники рынка куда менее значимы чем, например, человеки что выдержали все финальные колебания цены dax 100 обзор у расширяющегося дна. На вершине же рынка психология будет ровно противоположной. Тут паттерн формируется после сильного роста рынка, все такие оптимистичные и веселые, ведь по мере формирования расширяющегося паттерна цена берет один максимум за другим. Обычно такая веселуха сильно расстраивает продавцов, они расставляют стопы сразу над сопротивлением, в качестве которого выступает предыдущий максимум. В результате, на финальной вершине продавцов практически нет.

расширяющийся клин

Расширяющийся клин

Торговля на любом рынке – это риски, поэтому важно прежде всего вытроить стратегию, которая будет учитывать наибольшее соотношение возможной прибыли при минимальном стопе. Поэтому так важно использовать паттерны в паттерне для поиска наилучших входов. Фигура клин может использоваться на любом таймфрейме и на любом рынке от крипты до Форекс. Важно помнить, что нет абсолютных графических моделей, рынок переменчив. В трейдинге клин используется для совершения контрендовых сделок и сделок в продолжение тренда, в зависимости от ситуации на графике. Рассмотрим примеры входа в сделку в классическом варианте пробоя и ретеста и в ситуации, когда есть паттерн в паттерне.

Потратьте некоторое время, просто просматривая разные графики, выделяя паттерн клин. Нарисуйте линии тренда, чтобы повысить уверенность в том, что это действительно клин. Сохраняйте образцы клиньев, которые были особенно хорошо сформированы и генерировали отличные сигналы. На этом графике вы можете увидеть бычий клин, который сформировался на восходящем тренде. Восходящий тренд продолжается не очень долго, но при своевременном входе в рынок есть шанс получить прибыль по открытой сделке. В отличие от восходящего клина, нисходящий клин формирует линию сопротивления с более крутым наклоном по сравнению с линией поддержки.

Бычий разворот

Слева график типа Дельта, индикаторы Dynamic levels, Volume. Этот тип графика означает, что новая свеча на графике строится в момент изменения дельты на 500 контрактов и не зависит от времени. Количество 500 настраиваемое, то есть для разных инструментов выбираются более подходящие значения.

Forex Trading

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Green Cell Habu SE Type 2 11kW 7m Mobilna Ładowarka EV prądu zmiennego CEE 16A

Ładowarka Green Cell Habu Mobile EV Charger została zaprojektowana z wieloma funkcjami bezpieczeństwa. Dzięki temu możesz ładować swój pojazd bez obaw. Dodatkowo ładowarka Habu posiada obudowę odporną na warunki atmosferyczne, dzięki czemu ładowarka jest chroniona przed wnikaniem pyłu i wody. GC Habu, dzięki mocy 11 kW, naładuje praktycznie każdy pojazd tak szybko, jak to możliwe, wykorzystując prąd AC. Nie trać czasu, ładuj szybko, prosto i to gdziekolwiek zechcesz.

  1. I ciężko będzie odzyskać moje zaufanie.
  2. GC Habu, dzięki mocy 11 kW, naładuje praktycznie każdy pojazd tak szybko, jak to możliwe, wykorzystując prąd AC.
  3. Aplikacja będzie stale rozbudowywana o kolejne funkcjonalności, w tym te związane ze smart ładowaniem.
  4. Nie trać czasu, ładuj szybko, prosto i to gdziekolwiek zechcesz.

Wbudowany wyświetlacz LCD sprawia, że możesz łatwo monitorować postęp ładowania, w tym Pierwszy Koreański Bank idzie na żywo z Client Clacking at LCCH Forexclear aktualną moc ładowania, czas ładowania i moc dodaną. Dodatkowo, dedykowana aplikacja mobilna pozwala na zdalne śledzenie wszystkich istotnych statystyk, kosztów ładowania oraz umożliwia kontrolę bieżącej sesji ładowania. Warto zaznaczyć, że konfiguracja ładowarki Habu jest szybka i łatwa. Wystarczy pobrać dedykowaną aplikację z Google Play lub App Store, albo zeskanować kod QR umieszczony w instrukcji i skonfigurować połączenie ze swoją ładowarką. Habu to mobilna ładowarka do pojazdów elektrycznych, która wyznacza całkowicie nowy standard. To zdecydowanie jedyna ładowarka, której potrzebujesz oraz jedyna, z której będziesz chciał korzystać.

Aplikacja, która rozwija się w czasie

– połączyliśmy wszystkie te materie w taki sposób,by wznieść Twoje doświadczenia z ładowania na całkowicie nowy poziom. – połączyliśmy wszystkie te materie w taki sposób, by wznieść Twoje doświadczenia z ładowania na całkowicie nowy poziom. Firma Green Cell właśnie zaprezentowała swój najnowszy produkt – baterię do rowerów elektrycznych, która jest montowana w fabryce pod Krakowem. Aplikacja będzie stale rozbudowywana o kolejne funkcjonalności, w tym te związane ze smart ładowaniem. W przypadku kolejnych nowych produktów nie planuję nic kupować jako tzw “Early adopter” w moich oczach firma dużo straciła w ramach tego produktu. I ciężko będzie odzyskać moje zaufanie.

Za pomocą jednego przycisku dostosujesz moc, zakończysz proces ładowania oraz wybierzesz każdą inną funkcję w menu. Przeglądaj i analizuj statystyki dotyczące zużycia energii oraz kosztów ładowania w dowolnie wybranym okresie czasu. GC Habu nie tylko wykryje nieprawidłowości w sieci, ale również za pomocą swojego ekranu poinformuje o konkretnym błędzie z dokładną instrukcją postępowania.

Podobne produkty

GC Habu to mobilna ładowarka do pojazdów elektrycznych, która wyznacza całkowicie nowy standard. Jednym przyciskiem możesz otworzyć klapkę portu ładowania w swojej Tesli lub odblokować złącze po zakończeniu ładowania. Renesource Capital Forex Broker-przegląd i informacje Renesource Capital Prawdziwa wygoda.Złącze ma wbudowaną diodę LED, którą możesz wykorzystać jako latarkę. Green Cell Habu Mobile EV Charger to innowacyjne i wydajne rozwiązanie dla właścicieli pojazdów elektrycznych (EV), którzy potrzebują niezawodnego i przenośnego rozwiązania do ładowania. Habu, dzięki mocy 11 kW, zastąpi w garażu dużą naścienną łądowarkę, a dodatkowo naładuje Twój samochód w trasie, domu lub gdziekolwiek tam, gdzie znajdziesz źródło zasilania. Jeśli chodzi o ładowanie pojazdów elektrycznych, bezpieczeństwo i niezawodność są najważniejsze.

GC Habu, dzięki mocy 11 kW, zastąpi w garażu dużą naścienną ładowarkę, a dodatkowo naładuje Twój samochód w trasie, domu lub gdziekolwiek tam, gdzie znajdziesz źródło zasilania. Z poziomu aplikacji możesz zdalnie zmienić moc ładowania, rozpocząć ładowanie, zakończyć je lub określić, do kiedy ma trwać. Złącza typu 2 są standardem dla europejskich pojazdów elektrycznych.

IT Вакансії

Senior Product Manager: Обязанности и Роль в Компании

IT Образование

Как использовать Bootstrap 5: Способы подключения бутсрап к сайту CDN, вручную как модуль.

Таким образом разработчики могут оснастить новое решение готовой вёрсткой с использованием фреймворка. Bootstrap также может пригодиться небольшим компаниям, которые не готовы потратить большие деньги на разработку веб-сайта. В качестве промежуточного решения Bootstrap будет незаменим. В последствии возможно и остановиться на нём, как мы и сделали на Хекслете. Любопытно, какие компоненты явно требуют jQuery, наших JS и Popper.js? Если вы не уверены в том, как правильно написать «коренную» структуру страницы, можете использовать наши шаблоны.

Это касается и интерактивных элементов, которые используют JavaScript код. Разработчики для таких элементов внесли классы, которые помогают немного изменить поведение, но этого не всегда бывает достаточно. Самый простой способ – создать отдельный css-файл, в котором вы будете писать все, что непосредственно касается внешнего вида ваших элементов. Например, возьмем те же самые хлебные крошки, которые мы сделали. Допустим, нам нужно по дизайну изменить фоновый цвет всего блока, а также цвет самого текста.

Создавайте и расширяйте в реальном времени с помощью CSS переменных

Обзор Бутстрап, как загружать и пользоваться, базовые шаблоны, примеры и другое. Использование утилит предполагает более углублённые https://deveducation.com/ знания в CSS, так как это будет похоже на использование правил. Только вместо записи в CSS-файле используются классы.

  • Bootstrap используется многими веб-разработчиками по всему миру.
  • Для их работы используется несколько JavaScript библиотек, которые увеличивают вес подключаемых файлов на странице.
  • Папкаdist/ включает в себя все перечисленные скомпилированные файлы, указанные в разделе выше.
  • Создавайте и настраивайте с помощью Sass, используйте готовую систему сеток и компоненты и воплощайте проекты в жизнь с помощью мощных плагинов JavaScript.
  • Bootlint проверяет, что экземпляры компонентов Bootstrap имеют правильно структурированный HTML.

Причём он позволяет это сделать очень быстро, благодаря большему количеству готовых классов и компонентов. По сути вы просто складываете дизайн из готовых кусочков, поэтому большинство Bootstrap-сайтов очень похожи друг на друга. Кроме быстроты, он также упрощает процесс верстки оригинальности. Папкаdist/ включает в себя все перечисленные скомпилированные файлы, указанные в разделе выше. Папка docs/ содержит документацию и примеры/ использования Bootstrap.

Почему Bootstrap

Bootstrap правда очень помогает сэкономить время и при этом создать приличный шаблон, но тащит кучу лишнего кода и слабо подходит для нестандартных проектов. Все недостатки Bootstrap можно устранить перебором его исходных файлов, но это занимает столько времени, что любой опытный разработчик выберет верстку макета с нуля. Bootstrap — бесплатный HTML/CSS/JavaScript фреймворк для быстрого создания адаптивного дизайна сайта.

Второй подход, который используется в Bootstrap — Atomic CSS. Atomic CSS — подход, при котором один класс использует одно свойство. Таким образом Bootstrap не является библиотекой для создания админок и прототипов, bootstrap как пользоваться как о нём говорят. Что ж, сегодня мы рассмотрели с вами, как начать работать с boostrap. Как видите, особо ничего и не пришлось брать от себя, так как очень хорошие примеры уже есть в документации.

Навигационное меню

Первый – это общий стилевой класс glyphicon, который задает общие стили для всех иконок. Вы также можете присоединиться @getbootstrap on Twitter для получения «свежайших» слухов и классных музыкальных клипов. Bootstrap – библиотека шаблонов CSS, распространяемая свободно командой сайта MaxCDN. Internet Explorer 8 и 9 также поддерживается, однако помните, что некоторые свойства CSS3 и элементы HTML5 не в полной мере поддерживаются данным браузерами. Кроме того, Internet Explorer 8 требует использования Respond.js, чтобы разрешить поддержку медиа запросов.

bootstrap как пользоваться

Чтобы привлечь внимание, мы включили это в качестве примеров в документации Bootstrap. В частности, мы поддерживаем последние версии из следующих браузеров и платформ. На платформе Windows, мы поддерживаем Internet Explorer 8-11.

Как установить Bootstrap

Bootstrap должен достаточно хорошо выглядеть и вести себя в Chromium и Chrome для Linux, Firefox для Linux, и Internet Explorer 7, хотя они официально не поддерживаются. На сайте Русское сообщество Bootstrap вы можете найти ответы на интересующие вопросы, познакомиться с русскоязычными разработчиками или сами принять участие в жизни сообщества. Одна из них содержит скомпилированный вариант, а другая минимизированный (уменьшенный по объему).

bootstrap как пользоваться

Используйте их как SVG или иконочные шрифты — оба варианта обеспечивают векторное масштабирование и простую настройку с помощью CSS. Примените любой из наших включенных служебных классов к нашим компонентам, чтобы настроить их внешний вид, как в примере навигации ниже. Доступны сотни классов — от positioning и sizing и colors и effects. Смешайте их с переопределениями переменных CSS для еще большего контроля.

Примеры шаблонов

Начните работу с Bootstrap, самым популярным в мире фреймворком для создания быстродействующих мобильных сайтов с загрузочным CDN и шаблонами стартовой страницы. Например, чтобы создать кнопку на странице с помощью Bootstrap, достаточно к ссылке или элементу button добавить всего несколько классов. Мы добавили в пример подключение bootstrap.bundle.min.js файла из CDN и добавили код компонента “Модальное окно” для демонстрации работы js bootstrap. Если вам нужно включить только скомпилированный CSS или JS Bootstrap, вы можете использовать jsDelivr. Посмотрите его в действии с помощью нашего простого быстрого старта или просмотрите примеры, чтобы начать свой следующий проект.

Мощные плагины JavaScript без jQuery

Установка, управляемая пакетами, не включает документацию или наши полные сценарии сборки. Вы также можете использовать наш репозиторий шаблонов npm для быстрого создания проекта Bootstrap с помощью npm. Вы узнаете больше о том, как использовать готовые компоненты Bootstrap и создавать свои собственные.


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At RocketPlay Casino Australia, players have a wide range of lucrative promotions and bonus offers, and loyal players can take advantage of a generous VIP program and receive many gifts. The casino features many slot machines and dealer games, including games from world-renowned providers such as NetEnt, Pragmatic Play, Play N Go, and Evolution Gaming.

The casino site is visually clean and has a great minimalist design; all the essential features are just a click away. Everything is arranged conveniently for players on the main page, where they can find new and top games, see current promotions and tournaments, and at the very bottom, there is a brief About section.

RocketPlay Australia has excellent navigation. From the menu at the top, you can easily switch between “Tournaments,” “Promotions,” “VIP Program,” and “Achievements,” as well as view numerous slots and games with live dealers. The games section is conveniently divided into categories so you can easily navigate the extensive library. If you’re struggling to pick one of the thousands of games, a “Random Pick” button selects a random game for you. Most of the games featured on Rocket casino Australia are available in accessible demo mode, so you can try them for free without risking your bankroll.

The significant advantage is that the player can choose a convenient language on the site. Among the options are English, Japanese, Portuguese, German and Spanish. In addition, online support is also available in all available languages.

Casino Rocket Australia may interest you with its selection of slots, tables with real croupiers, starting bonuses, and many other advantages. However, it is not without its disadvantages. So read the review carefully.

Reliability & License

First and foremost, paying attention to the casino’s legitimacy is essential. You must make sure that the casino can be trusted. It should have a license and all the necessary certificates. Do not skip this point because you must trust the site with personal and payment data. Do not fall for fraudsters.

Casino Rocket Play – this is one of the company’s sites DAMA N.V. The operator is registered in Curacao. The local regulator of online gambling licensed it. To check it, click on the organization’s logo, published on all pages at the bottom of the screen.

RocketPlay Casino AU operates on the SoftSwiss platform, delighting customers with a long list of various Rocket gambling games by many popular developers and young studios. Casino slot machines are licensed.

Moreover, the RocketPlay online Australia website is also certified by a random number generator, meaning that all game results remain the same and can be easily checked by each user.

Like any reputable operator, Casino Rocket Australian is committed to protecting your personal information and credit card numbers and complies with all modern data protection standards. The platform runs on 128-bit SSL encryption and uses the innovative PGP protocol to ensure high security.

So, Rocket Play casino real money is legit and safe. 

There is no need to download and install any additional software on your computer. Slots are opened in browser-based versions. There is a version of the site designed for mobile devices.

Independent auditors’ reports with data on the actual rates of return are not published.

Rocket Play online casino has a responsible gaming program with several valuable options. These include:

  • The ability to set personal limits on the number of deposits or bets, as well as the maximum total loss;
  • Self-exclusion at the request of the client;
  • Contacts for organizations that assist cheating addicts;
  • Methods to protect minors and other tools.

Information on the site is served in several languages, including English and German.

Games and Slot machines in Rocketplay casino 

Casino Rocket AU features a wide selection of gambling games of all popular genres and formats. Models of dozens of software developers for Internet gambling are presented here, and the list of brands is constantly supplemented.

However, the games of some of the most popular providers are still missing.

For the convenience of players, all game offers are divided into three main sections:

  • Casino – broken down by novelty, popularity, recommendations, availability of jackpots, and so on;
  • Slots – all slot machines;
  • Table – table and card games on the random number generator and with real croupiers.

In all groups, you can select models by different criteria:

  • Provider,
  • Genre,
  • Bonuses,
  • Volatility, and others.

There is a search bar by name. The demo button on the logo allows you to run online casino games for free.

Please note that some brands of video slots can not be opened in some countries. Detailed information on this issue is published in the user agreement.

The selection of games with real croupiers at RocketPlay Live Casino is impressive. It is worth noting that among the partners of the casino, you will find such famous companies as Ezugi and Evolution Gaming, which certainly adds to the excellent reputation of the site.

All players are interested in cash games. In this category, you will find offers such as the well-known baccarat, poker, blackjack, roulette, and many other popular games.

In addition, every player can find the offer he is interested in the genre or model of the game.

For some tables, you can “take a seat” in demo mode, which makes it possible to test the online game casinos for free.

Dealers speak different languages. At the tables, there are wide ranges of bets. Details of the rules should be specified separately in each model.

Quality video broadcasts with good communication are excellent. The interface of most of the games is convenient and functional. 

Rocket Casino AU is a relatively new casino that is already catching up with all the old-timers in terms of quantity and quality of offerings. Sports betting is no exception. Very soon, the site will have many opportunities for sports betting. It is promised that there will be presented more than 180 sports! Of course, they will be the most popular: soccer, tennis, basketball and many others! You certainly will not be bored. In addition, there will be regular live broadcasts, about 22,000 per month. This will allow users to enjoy the game and, at the same time, be able to place bets.

Free tournaments on slot machines are organized in RocketPlay regularly. Their schedule and the rules of participation should be clarified on the page events on the casino’s website. The number of accumulated tournament points usually determines the winners. You can win real money, Rocketplay bonuses, free spins, or other prizes.

All Rocket Play Casino customers are assigned statuses from “iron” to “diamond legend.” Levels are determined by the number of points earned. To receive points, you need to play the casino for real money. Comp points are awarded for bets.

Beginning with the second level, the player is entitled to rewards in casino Rocket Play online:

  • Increasing number of free spins,
  • Growing cashback,
  • Free bonuses,
  • Personalized services, and so on.

Deposit and withdraw limits in Rocketplay casino

The minimum deposit is twenty dollars. As for Rocket Casino withdrawals, the minimum amount you can withdraw is only $25. 

The maximum limit for withdrawals and deposits is five thousand dollars.

The maximum possible weekly withdrawal is ten thousand dollars; you can withdraw up to twenty thousand dollars in a month. However, players with a high VIP account have higher withdrawal rates. It takes up to 12 hours for the finance department to verify and confirm your request, as well as all bank transactions and usually takes 3 to 5 banking days to process. However, cryptocurrency transactions are much faster and are processed within minutes. If you want a refund, such procedures can be requested within the first 24 hours of the transaction.

Remember to verify your identity. Read the rules on the website to find out what documents you need to provide.

Payout Time & Features in Rocketplay casino

Agree that it is imperative that the casino provides many withdrawal options and that this action is carried out quickly and without problems. Pay attention to this factor when choosing a gaming site.

Customers can play at the casino for dollars, euros, and different types of cryptocurrencies. Supported other payment systems, including bank cards and electronic systems. Some of them are not available in all countries.

At Casino RocketPlay, players are allowed to play with a large number of traditional and cryptocurrencies, and users can add multiple wallets to their profile. The casino offers a variety of deposit and withdrawal methods, including debit cards (Mastercard and Visa), e-wallets (Neosurf, EcoPayz, MuchBetter, MiFinity, CashToCode, and Skrill), and digital coins (Bitcoin, Litecoin, BitcoinCash, Ethereum, Dogecoin, and Tether).

Jackpot in Rocketplay casino 

Jackpot is a proven tool that helps casinos highlight their strengths, engage their audience, and strengthen their reputation. 

Attracting a player to 2024 is not an easy task. A bright picture no longer surprises anyone. But if the casino offers the opportunity to break a huge score, the player’s interest increases repeatedly. The jackpot allows the player to experience unbelievable emotions and win significant money.

RocketPlayCasino online offers its customers dozens of games with accumulated jackpots from Bongo, Playson, Elk, and other software developers. They are all collected in a particular subsection. Reviews of progressive Rocket Casino slots are read on our website.

Mobile Versions

The ability to play your favorite online casino Rocket games anywhere is a clear advantage of the casino. Nowadays, you can’t surprise anyone with a mobile version. But it is possible to surprise with the quality.

Customers can easily play at RocketPlay mobile casino on any modern smartphone or tablet, including all popular models on Android and iOS. There is no need to install applications on the gadgets. You can also use the bonus version because it has all the advantages of playing on the computer. 

To use the mobile version of RocketPlay, players do not need to go through the registration procedure again. Its interface is logical and convenient. System requirements are moderate.

Customer Support in Rocketplay casino

In case of any problems, players can find solutions to the most common issues on a particular FAQ page, which is certainly a plus and can sometimes save a lot of time. Moreover, the website is available in several languages, including Frequently Asked Questions and Terms and Conditions.

Customer service is also multilingual and can be contacted by e-mail. Unfortunately, you can’t contact customer support by phone, but there is a live chat feature where you can get quick help. Support is available 24 hours a day, and chat is available to register and unregistered customers.

Pros and cons of the casino 


  • Fully licensed and encrypted
  • Wide selection of casino and live dealer games
  • Lots of bonus offers and weekly Rocketplay promotions
  • Regular tournaments and lotteries
  • Accepts many bank transaction options, e-wallets, and cryptocurrencies.
  • Perfectly optimized for mobile devices
  • Available in multiple languages
  • 24/7 online chat


  • Many countries with limited access
  • Withdrawal limits
  • No phone support

RocketPlay is one of the many well-established Dama NV casino brands, which certainly makes an excellent impression. With all those casino bonuses and a generous VIP program, regular tournaments, and sweepstakes, it’s evident that RocketPlay treats its players well and offers many promotions for both new and existing users. More importantly, it is fully licensed and encrypted, guaranteeing honesty and security.

FAQ about Rocketplay casino

How to deposit to Rocketplay casino?

RocketPlay casino accepts many payment methods, and you can deposit via debit card, e-wallet, or cryptocurrency. Moreover, players can create multiple wallets in their profile and use different currencies to play casino games.

How to withdraw money from the Rocketplay casino?

RocketPlay allows its players to choose from various withdrawal options, and you can use debit cards, e-wallets, or cryptocurrency to get cash. The minimum amount is 25 euros.

Cryptocurrency service

BitXTrade Review 2020 Are Your Funds Safe?


The broker needs a lot of improvement to become an international-level broker. At the same time, it has to realize what trader experience really means and then design its trading platform and website based on that data. That’s a problem you will find with many online brokers.

  1. They might have some great strengths as well, but their non-professionalism mars that image badly.
  2. At the same time, the company also states that it is incorporated in the UK – and presents us with a certificate to prove it.
  3. It’s the fact that you will have to give 50% of whatever profits you make on your account back to the broker.
  4. However, the only piece of information we have about the 4 account types is that minimum deposit requirement for the Starter Plan is $1,000.
  5. You know that the broker will take care of your account, money, and information while you busy yourself in learning how to trade.

If you go with the standard account, you do not pay any commission and your spreads can be as low as 1pip (that’s not low by the way). More and more new brokers are realizing that a web trader solves a lot of their and traders’ problems. For example, you do not have to offer six different trading platforms to your traders when you have a web trader. In addition to that, based on how big the broker claims to be, you would expect it to offer its own trading platform. BitXTrade might be doing a lot of things right in other areas, but the aspects that we have stated above show its weaknesses.

Terms and Conditions Page Missing

So, when you have these sudden spots on the website where you can bitxtrade take glimpses of Chinese, you can’t wrap your head around the whole thing. When you sign up with an online broker, you are putting your trust in it. You know that the broker will take care of your account, money, and information while you busy yourself in learning how to trade. However, if the broker you are signing up with does not sound, look, and feel professional, you might not be at peace while signing up with it at all. And if you make the mistake of opening an account with such a broker, you will only regret for life. There are some brokers on the internet that showcase a lot of non-professionalism.

BitXTrade – Advantages


If you look at the websites of the best brokers in the world, you will notice that they do not go too heavy on leverages. Yes, they do offer you some good leverages on your trades, but you hardly ever find them going overboard with the whole thing. On the other hand, with small and new brokers, you usually see them offering extraordinarily huge leverages. Not to mention, it puts the trader in a lot of danger as well. BitXTrade offers its clients 4 different types of trading accounts – the Starter Plan, the Premium Plan, the Delux Plan, and the Exclusive Plan.

Stop! It’s a Scam! Your money is not safe if you are trading with this unregulated, off-shore broker.

While we were doing research about this company’s registration and regulation status, we dug up some even more disturbing information about this broker. Plus500 is a FTSE 250 listed brokerage providing online trading services in CFDs, across 2,000+ securities and multiple asset classes. In fact, everything points to this entity being a scammer that has defrauded customer many times before. This critical document is missing on BitXTrade’s website. Therefore, if you do register with this broker, you are basically agreeing to any conditions that they have placed – without knowing what they are.

You get trading bots so that you can carry out automated trading. You also get market indicators and charting tools to analyze the market trends better. If you trade with BitXTrade, then the only way you can make deposits and withdrawals is through Bitcoin. There is no other payment method offered by this broker.

First, to be able to offer financial services in the UK, a company needs to be registered with the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority). Being registered with the Companies House is not enough. Therefore, we can safely say that this broker is unregulated and thus operating outside the law. The company was created as a combined effort of financial professionals and experts in web-commerce with the goal of perfecting the online experience for retail traders. However, creating a trading platform is not an easy affair.

Before you finally register with a new broker, you are asked to go through the Terms and Conditions that broker has put in place. There is usually a link that you can click on the registration form that takes you to the Terms and Conditions page. BitXTrade claims to be a legal investment company that is based out of and incorporated in the US. There are seriously no advantages you will get from trading with BitXTrade.

This is a tactic that is adopted by serial scammers who try to rake in as many deposits as they can before the scam is noticed. After this, they launch a new domain address and start the process all over again. This is the reason why we advise all traders to first carry out a background check on any broker they wish to contract with – before they invest in them. At the same time, the company also states that it is incorporated in the UK – and presents us with a certificate to prove it. The broker also provides a registration number from the UK’s official register of businesses, the Companies House.

They might have some great strengths as well, but their non-professionalism mars that image badly. When we opened a new account with this broker to check the trading conditions and the type of platform, we found out that there was no platform. In its place was a rudimentary dashboard where the only thing you could do was make deposits in Bitcoin.


11 Best Freelance Websites for Accountants Updated for 2024

freelance accounting work

There are a few different types of accounting you can perform in your freelancing career. Freelance accountants focus on managing all accounting transactions. They can also manage tasks such as supplier payments, record sales, and send invoices. Freelance accountants focus on whatever a business needs them to focus on. This type of work is often done remotely and requires a high level of accuracy, attention to detail, and knowledge of accounting principles and laws. Though you may have done all of these tasks as a regularly-employed accountant, it can be difficult to navigate freelancing in the same way.

freelance accounting work

Knowledge of accounting software

  • There are dozens of subcategories to choose from, allowing users to focus their search based on specific development needs.
  • The digital age provides a wealth of resources to help you find clients who need freelance accountants.
  • This software makes your accounting easier, more accurate, and less time-consuming.
  • Freelance accountants focus on managing all accounting transactions.
  • You should be able to explain to a prospective employer why you want the job and why you would be a good fit.

Many accountants choose to freelance for the flexibility and autonomy it offers. If you need a little more wiggle room or only want to hire someone for a short-term project, look to a site like Upwork or Fiverr. If you have a larger budget normal balance and want a senior-level accountant to handle more tasks for a longer period, try Toptal or UpStack.

freelance accounting work

What do freelance accountants need?

Millions of jobs are posted on the site annually, and there are over 5,000 skills on offer, including financial services. The Israeli-born online marketplace is designed for offering freelance services. Their clients, as well as their registered freelancers, are worldwide and specialize in almost all industries. When you register as a freelance accountant on the site, you can categorize your services into basic, standard, and premium packages. Of course, there are exceptions, such as the end of tax season when you can expect to have a lot of clients and work coming in. However, when you become a freelance accountant, you still enjoy control of your hours, workload, and clients, which could mean a greater work-life balance overall.

Data Entry Experts Jobs

freelance accounting work

They will ensure businesses accrue tax liabilities correctly and ensure point-of-sale tax calculations are correct as these can have big implications for a business. Whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, everyone needs to spend quality freelance accountant time with people they like. The business plan doesn’t have to be shared with anyone, rather it’s just the act of making such a plan that gives you an overview of different elements of your business that you need to consider. Without it, there aren’t specific goals to aim for, and progress might seem elusive.

freelance accounting work

Customer Service Representatives Jobs

Online degrees are also 100% coursework https://www.bookstime.com/ and can be done without the need to visit a campus. Today, that number is even bigger, as more and more businesses outsource professional services. This is especially true for small businesses on a budget who can’t afford to pay salaried workers just yet. They offer a range of strategic financial services and have a reputation for quality and professionalism. The question of whether or not an accountant or bookkeeping freelancer is worth it depends entirely on your business and your abilities. We like this site for accountants because it allows you to post a job with your budget and negotiate bids or browse profiles of accountants to find the perfect one for you.

  • As the name suggests, being a freelancer gives you freedom – freedom to choose your clients, project, working hours, rates, location, and many other things.
  • With software getting more sophisticated, you can really automate a large portion of your job as an accountant.
  • We like this site for accountants because it allows you to post a job with your budget and negotiate bids or browse profiles of accountants to find the perfect one for you.
  • Try to automate as much as you can, especially all the repetitive and monotonous tasks in accounting.
  • You can contact an accountant by selecting their profile and reaching out to them directly if you think you’ve found a good fit.

Be gentle with yourself, and remember that you’re learning and making the first steps into the freelance world. You’ll make mistakes, and things won’t go as planned but that’s how we learn. No one is immune to this, no matter how well-prepared you’re, life simply happens.


Bookkeeping Essentials For Construction Companies

bookkeeping for construction company

Handling sales and use taxes requires vigilance in monitoring tax-exempt purchases and precisely applying taxes to invoices. By doing so, your construction company can avoid tax discrepancies and maintain compliance with tax authorities. When you’re in the process of selecting a bookkeeping service provider, it’s crucial to evaluate a few key factors.

Controlling costs with construction accounting

bookkeeping for construction company

Even with construction bookkeeping this advantage, the cash method is typically only viable for very small construction businesses. With the cash method, a company recognizes revenues when it receives payment and recognizes expenses when it pays bills. Calculating profit is simple, since profit is just cash received minus cash disbursed. Construction companies should use a percentage-of-completion method that recognizes both revenue and expenses as they are accumulated over time. It aligns with the project completion ratio and most lenders or guarantors require this. The Advanced plan adds business analytics with Excel, the ability to manage employee expenses and the ability to batch invoices and expenses.

bookkeeping for construction company

Unique Features

bookkeeping for construction company

Accurate accounting ensures quick access to verified information, which is essential for meeting regulatory demands. Reconciling bank statements is an important task ensuring your records match your business account’s actual transactions. Any discrepancies should be identified and corrected promptly to maintain accurate financial records. Regular reconciliation also prevents potential issues with vendors, clients, or even tax authorities, and is an integral part of maintaining proper construction bookkeeping.

  • Discover how our tailored bookkeeping services can support your business growth and simplify your financial management.
  • Decentralized production is a fundamental aspect of construction companies’ operational structure, where various project activities are dispersed across multiple locations.
  • Implement a system for tracking inventory levels and reordering supplies as needed.
  • Construction bookkeeping is unique and complex, requiring specific approaches to accurately track costs, handle fluctuating budgets, and manage long project timelines.
  • This helps you monitor project costs, manage your budget effectively, and ensure you have the right information for tax reporting.
  • By implementing effective bookkeeping practices, construction companies can gain better control over their budgets and ensure projects contribute positively to their bottom line.

Potential payroll obstacles

Construction accounting software can automate expense tracking, invoice generation, and bank statement reconciliation. Because of this, contractors are free to concentrate on what they do best rather than spend time on administrative duties. Financial reports help business owners in understanding the financial standing of the business. It provides valuable insights which help business owners to take necessary business decisions wisely. Let us take a look at essential financial report in regard to a construction company. Monitoring federal and state tax amendments and understanding property tax implications are crucial.

Ensuring Compliance with Regulations and Taxes

bookkeeping for construction company

Topic 606 is an accounting standard update (ASU) that requires public companies to disclose information related to their revenue recognition practices. Income recognition is an important part of the construction project cycle and a feature of accrual accounting. Also referred to as “revenue recognition”, it represents the point at which a construction project becomes profitable. This method https://www.inkl.com/news/the-significance-of-construction-bookkeeping-for-streamlining-projects is beneficial for ongoing projects that require tracking individual stages of work. It’s helpful when you need to keep an accurate record of your progress and give stakeholders an idea of what to expect in the future.

  • There are quirks, but once you understand the system, it’s generally easy to navigate and manage them.
  • Our connected global construction platform unites all stakeholders on a project with unlimited access to support and a business model designed for the construction industry.
  • To budget effectively, companies need to estimate their costs accurately and allocate resources accordingly.
  • Topic 606 is an accounting standard update (ASU) that requires public companies to disclose information related to their revenue recognition practices.
  • Not only do you and your employees need to feel comfortable using the system but so do clients and subcontractors if you integrate them into the bidding and project management process.
  • Since 15 percent of the expected costs have been incurred, the company will also recognize 15 percent of the expected revenue and expected profit on its books.
Forex Trading

Silver Spot Price & Charts Oz, Gram & Kilo

what is the rate for silver

Since the beginning of the 21st Century, silver prices have increased overall, catching the attention of many investors. Many people look to precious metals, such as silver, to help protect themselves against the ongoing devaluation of the U.S. dollar (or other fiat currencies) and volatility in the stock market. Other investors, sometimes referred to as “preppers,” believe silver will play a key role in bartering and trade in the event of an economic collapse. The latest price of silver per ounce, gram, and kilogram using real-time interactive silver price charts.

Is Silver an Inflation Hedge?

Identify trends by examining our historical spot price chart below, showing the price of silver in various time frames, including 24-hours, 3 days, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, YTD, 1 year, 5 what are stocks and how do they work years, and and all time. Bookmark this page to receive accurate and up-to-date gold silver prices information. You can buy physical silver from a reputable dealer online or from a local coin shop.

Buy the postelection dip in renewable energy stocks amid ‘unrelenting’ demand for power, UBS says

Aside from bullion, “paper silver” is also available in the form of ETFs and certificates. These options are different from physical silver bullion in the sense that the owner never actually gets to hold the silver in their hands. A silver ETF or certificate is basically a piece of paper that says a bank or financial institution is holding a specified amount of silver for you without you ever seeing that silver.

From 1980 to 1984, annual inflation averaged 6.5%, but silver prices fell by nearly 23%. There was average annual inflation of around 4.6% from 1988 to 1991, but average annual silver prices fell 12.7%. Gold prices can have sudden ups and down just like other commodities but it is also known to go through long periods of time with relatively quiet price activity.

  1. This ratio is tracked historically to see when silver may be relatively inexpensive relative to silver, and vice versa.
  2. Silver is used globally for industrial purposes, such as medical devices, electronics, and solar panels.
  3. The silver traded on the stock exchange is worth around 17 million US dollars in total.
  4. Our spot price chart accurately reports silver spot prices in real-time.
  5. The calculation is the price of gold divided by the price of silver.

Shanghai Gold Benchmark Price

In this presentation, Jeffrey Christian of CPM Group discusses the latest developments in the precious metals markets, focusing on gold, silver, platinum, and palladium. Jeff looks at how global risks and shifting political landscapes, such as the recent election and its aftermath, are affecting investment demand for the precious metals. He also looks at some economic concerns such as recession risks and their impact on commodity prices. The video concludes with a look at open interest for gold and silver and what it could mean for price movement as we move toward the close of 2024.

London Fix Silver Prices (USD)

This data shows that gold increased significantly in 75% of these recessions. Browse historical silver prices with interactive charts and graphs. The silver price today will update every 60 seconds in real-time during the trading day based on the market.

what is the rate for silver

Our authors and analysts are some of the most respected in the world. Stay up to date with real-time silver spot prices, available in troy ounces (oz), kilos and grams. The silver spot price is calculated from silver future contracts, from worldwide markets such as the Commodities Exchange (COMEX), the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA), and the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX). An exciting bonus to this release was that 1,794 read technical analysis using multiple timeframes by brian shannon of these medals feature a “230” privy mark, of which a mere 230 of those privy mark medals included a certificate of authenticity signed by US Mint Director Ventris C. Gibson. Because of their rarity and random allocation, the prices for the unopened and sealed Mint packages were commanding high premiums in the after market as dealers and collectors eagerly sought one or more of the privy-marked medals.

In fact, silver is only an effective inflation hedge over extremely long periods of time, measured in decades or centuries. Silver is sold by dealers with a premium to the current spot price. When one is looking to sell metals to a dealer, the dealer may offer spot or slightly below the spot price for one’s metals. The dealer premium as it is often called represents the price at which a dealer will buy silver and the price at which a dealer will sell silver.

As of today, a well-known major trader on the network is offering $5,300 for any NGC MS 70 examples. Thankfully, for the average collector, the regular version of the medal is around $250. While this is still an escalated secondary market price, it’s still quite affordable. Since April 2021, the monthly U.S. consumer price index reading has averaged an annual gain skills certificate, it specialty front end developer truckee meadows community college catalog of nearly 7%, but the price of silver is down 25%. The bid price is the maximum offer available for a particular commodity at the present time. The ask price is the minimum asking price available for a particular commodity at the present time.

Silver is available for investment in many different forms, including paper silver and silver bullion. Physical silver bullion is most commonly found in coin, round and bar form with several size options for each. Some investors enjoy owning government-minted coins while others prefer paying lower premiums for bullion bars and rounds. In any case, there are a vast amount of options available in terms of this investment vehicle. The price of gold per ounce is perhaps the most common way investors monitor the gold market. The image below shows a 1 ounce gold nugget and a 1 ounce gold coin – in this case a gold eagle coin.

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  1. Comparison is based on the average LimeFX Group spreads of the period April 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022.
  2. We hold a strong belief that resilience is an important indicator of the long-term success of our people.
  3. LimeFX is an independent legal entity and is not affiliated with MetaQuotes®.
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Trading Station Desktop

As our industry continues to change, we look forward to being able to provide you with the same customer support and ultimate trading experience that have driven us right from day one. We value a meritocracy where the most capable people and ideas have an opportunity to succeed. To achieve this, we promote an open-door policy that ensures that both people and ideas have direct access to those who may champion their cause. Our priorities are largely determined by what our clients want to trade and what additional tools they want to integrate to our platform. Our people are agile and thrive in an environment of fast changing industry trends and business conditions to meet the demands of our customers. Past experiences and newly acquired skills provide the confidence for our people to forge ahead.

At the beginning of the month (between 1st and 15th), a fee equal to 30 units of the base currency (3,000 JPY, 240 HKD) will be debited from any of your LimeFX Account(s) to cover the VPS cost limefx forex brokers reviews for each subscription. Only Active Trader clients subject to tier pricing on spread costs receive a free VPS. Likewise, search “Trading Station” on your phone’s apps store to get the mobile platform. Whether you are an LimeFX client or you simply have an LimeFX demo, you can easily access Trading Station’s platforms.